Monday, 12 August 2013

God Gave Me 45 years Extra-Time! Short musing By Kayode Ogundamisi

Special Thanks to all who joined me in thanking God for the 45 years 'extra time' God gave me on earth. (Not really an overtly religious person but who else can turn few weeks into 45 years, certainly not me)

According to the soothsayers shortly after my birth in August of 1968, I was only expected to last 'a few weeks'.

I am not sure if I am deserving of every single day of the 45 years, but I have utilised every single moment to the best of my ability and do not regret any of the great, the not so great, the good, the not so good, the bad and not so bad times, for every challenge, it's been double victory, for everyone who had any reason to doubt, its been double reassurance, for those who have remained faithful to me, not minding my imperfections, my exceedingly 'irrational' moods, I say a huge THANK YOU.

One thing I am very sure of is that I owe all my existence, every breath, every single hair, and every dot that make up my existence to the mercy of the Almighty God and the special people he’s sent to me, friends, family and even adversaries, they together helped in saving me from me and most times saving me from others. I can never pay back the debt of gratitude. I can only say THANK YOU.

Kayode Ogundamisi

August 12, 2013

Colchester, Essex England.