Another out of the many examples is the recent propaganda about the World Bank. So seriously you don't expect the WB to focus on one of Africa’s worst humanitarian crisis because you so hate Buhari and the Hausa Fulani’s? when you guys accuse Buhari of tribalism just consider the reflection in your mirror, you are referring to your bigoted selves.
When we had the militancy in Niger Delta then President Yaradua and your hero Gridlock diverted billions of dollars to some few men who took up arms against the state, they called it ‘Amnesty programme’, today a chunk of the budget go into a programme that does not benefit the whole of Nigeria not even the whole of Niger Delta, just hundreds of violent kidnappers and militants with AK47.
Today those folks get the salary for doing nothing, you bigoted souls turn the blind eye. So, because Buhari is from the North he should not draw the attention of an international agency to his countries humanitarian crisis.
Guess what? if the North and hundreds of 'talakawas' in his base had lost confidence in Buhari because of the state of the economy, you guys keep mobilising them for him. First you wanted the Hitler of Abia to humiliate him and Nigeria, that failed.
Now it is another propaganda series. There are many other ways to expose Buhari such as his handling of ‘Grass cGrasscutter, his NNPC contract saga, his inability to deal with corruption from within his own circle, the slow pace of recovery, some of his obvious acts of nepotism, his off and on sickness records as President, his inability to sack none performing Ministers and many more, but no, you go for North and South divide, when your hero failed it was Nigeria that failed, if Buhari fails Nigeria fails again. The choice is yours.