Thursday 28 January 2010

You will not escape justice! A reply to British MP Tony Baldry for Lobbying on behalf of James Ibori

Dear Mr Baldry:

1. I refer to your letter to me dated 8 January 2010. In the letter, you admitted writing a letter to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Attorney-General, the Secretary of State for Justice, the Secretary of State for the Home Department, and the UK High Commissioner to Nigeria on behalf of the serial convict Mr James Ibori. 2. In the letter you alleged that: “The letter I wrote concerning Nigeria was entirely in my capacity as a barrister, properly instructed and fully in accord with the Code of Conduct for the Bar.” 3. You will be aware that Part X of the Code Conduct for the Bar provides a comprehensive definition of legal services. It provides that: ‘"legal services" includes legal advice, representation and drafting or settling any statement of case witness statement affidavit or other legal document but does not include:
(a) sitting as a judge or arbitrator or acting as a mediator; (b) lecturing in or teaching law or writing or editing law books articles or reports; (c) examining newspapers, periodicals, books, scripts and other publications for libel, breach of copyright, contempt of court and the like; (d) communicating to or in the press or other media; (e) exercising the powers of a commissioner for oaths; (f) giving advice on legal matters free to a friend or relative or acting as unpaid or honorary legal adviser to any charitable benevolent or philanthropic institution ...’ 4. Therefore not everything done by a barrister is done in his or her capacity as a barrister and thereby in accord with the Code of Conduct for the Bar. I suggest that lobbying fellow Members of Parliament in senior Cabinet positions to interfere politically with ongoing judicial and prosecutorial is not covered by the above definition of ‘legal services’ under the Code of Conduct for the Bar.5. In a similar letter to SaharaReporters you referred to section 303(a) of the Code of Conduct for the Bar. You stated: “I would simply observe that the Code of Conduct for the Bar in the England states that ‘. . . a Barrister must promote and protect fearlessly and by all proper and lawful means the lay client’s best interests and do so without regard to his own interests or to any consequence to himself or any other person’.”6. You appeared to have overlooked the fact that said section 303(a) of the Code of Conduct for the Bar is found under the part of the Code specifically listed as “applicable to practising barristers.” It does not cover political lobbying. 7. To buttress this point, I refer you to the previous provision of the part of the Code “applicable to practising barristers”, section 302, which provides as follows: “A barrister has an overriding duty to the Court to act with independence in the interests of justice: he must assist the Court in the administration of justice and must not deceive or knowingly or recklessly mislead the Court.”8. It is evident from section 302 that section 303, which you prayed in aid, covers barristers representing their clients in court and related proceedings; not barristers engaged in political lobbying. 9. I suggest that the part of the Code that appears to apply to your conduct in this matter is that ‘applicable to all barristers’, specifically section 301(a), which provides that:
‘A barrister must ... not engage in conduct whether in pursuit of his profession or otherwise which is: (i) … discreditable to a barrister; (ii) prejudicial to the administration of justice; or (iii) likely to diminish public confidence in the legal profession or the administration of justice or otherwise bring the legal profession into disrepute.’
10. I suggest further that there is a potential breach of said section 301 of the Code of Conduct for the Bar.

11. In your letter of 8 January you also claimed: “I have taken no action whatsoever in this matter in my capacity as a Member of Parliament.”12. However, it is a well-known fact that Mr Ibori’s was represented by leading Queen’s Counsel from the Criminal Bar during the Restraint Proceedings initiated against him by the Crown in 2007. Similarly, his alleged accomplices currently undergoing prosecution at the Southwark Crown Court are all represented by Queen’s Counsel from the Criminal Bar. You are not known to be a leading Queen’s Counsel from the Criminal Bar and have not been involved in the conduct of the prosecution. The inescapable conclusion therefore is that you were instructed by Ibori’s solicitors because your position and influence as a Member of Parliament to lobby politically on his behalf.13. In any event, section 9 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament provides that: “Members shall base their conduct on a consideration of the public interest, avoid conflict between personal interest and the public interest and resolve any conflict between the two, at once, and in favour of the public interest.”14. Furthermore, section 15 provides that: “Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner which will tend to maintain and strengthen the public's trust and confidence in the integrity of Parliament and never undertake any action which would bring the House of Commons, or its Members generally, into disrepute.”15. The Guide to the Rules relating to the conduct of Members drafted specifically to assist Members in discharging the duties placed upon them by the Code of Conduct outlaws “Lobbying for Reward or Consideration”.16. Section 89 explains that on 6 November 1995 the House agreed to the following Resolution relating to lobbying for reward or consideration:“[N]o Members of the House shall, in consideration of any remuneration, fee, payment, or reward or benefit in kind, direct or indirect, which the Member or any member of his or her family has received is receiving or expects to receive—(i) Advocate or initiate any cause or matter on behalf of any outside body or individual, or (ii) urge any other Member of either House of Parliament, including Ministers, to do so, by means of any … approach, whether oral or in writing, to Ministers or servants of the Crown."17. Section 91 provides that: ‘the Resolution does not prevent a Member from holding a remunerated outside interest as a consultant, or adviser, or in any other capacity, whether or not such interests are related to membership of the House. … However, if a financial interest is required to be registered in the Register of Members' Financial Interests … it falls within the scope of the ban on lobbying for reward or consideration.’18. It is on record that you registered the following interest in relation to your work on behalf of Mr James Ibori in the Register of Members' Financial Interests:
“Remunerated employment, office, profession etcPractising barrister, arbitrator and mediator.Zaiwalla & Co., solicitors. Address: Sarosh Zaiwalla Esq., Zaiwalla & Co., 46-47 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1JEReceived fee of £22,012.57 for advising clients. Hours: 16 hrs. (Registered 28 September 2009)Received fee of £10,000 for advising clients. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 11 November 2009)Received fee of £5000 for advising clients. 5 hrs. (Registered 15 December 2009.”19. Therefore your conduct in this matter appears to amount to Lobbying for Reward or Consideration under section 89 in breach of Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament and is not covered by the exemption in section 91.20. For completeness, I refer you to section 7 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament, which set out the following principles that “will be taken into consideration when any complaint is received of breaches of the provisions in other sections of the Code”:
Selflessness - Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. Integrity - Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties. Accountability - Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office. Openness - Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. Honesty - Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. Leadership - Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example. 21. As you indicated in your letter of 8 January 2010, I have already written to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police to investigate possible breaches of the money laundering legislation arising from your intervention in this matter. However, in view of your recent claims that your intervention on behalf of Mr Ibori “has been fully in accord with the Code of Conduct for the Bar” and that any alleged breach of the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament “would be demonstrably shown to be groundless”, I will forward a copy of this letter and other relevant documents to the Bar Standards Board of England and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards respectively for further investigation.22. It is possible that further potential breaches of the relevant rules of conduct will come to light when your five-page letter of intervention is eventually disclosed. I do not expect you to disclose this letter voluntarily but I am happy to be surprised

.Yours sincerelyKayode Ogundamisi For Nigeria Liberty Forum

Wednesday 27 January 2010

The trial of Citizen Ojo Maduekwe of Nigeria! Written by Kayode Ogundamisi

The trial of Citizen Ojo Maduekwe of Nigeria! Written by Kayode Ogundamisi
First published on

Act one scene 1. (London the Fiction but real)
Nigerian High Commission 9 Northumberland Avenue, London. Time 7PM. 17th January 2010. (Nigerians had protested the absence of President Musa Yar’Adua on the 15th January 2010 and Ojo Maduekwe is on a Save the government mission to “appease” Nigerian groups.
A crowd of garishly dressed people are sitted, watching a live performance by an "awilo" singer they sway to the groove of the music and some of the dignitary’s sitted at the front rows look a little disappointed when the performance is interrupted
RaZakari. Grabs the microphone from the “awilo” singer
RaZakari: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Nigerian house our guest today is no other person than Ojo! (Applause) wait don’t clap not Ojo Lakunle of Oja Village headmaster o! But Ojo Maduekwe our honourable minister of Foreign Affairs. GCON. AGIP. MYOB BSC. MSC. MA. As I am the minister 1 in the ministry of the Nigerian high commission I am a man without bitterness. I know you all are witness to Nigerians that marched from Parliament Square on Friday and had the audacity to picket the high commission. Imagine one of them called me stupid but I took it to the chin. I am the father of you all and I am glad I have an apology from a repentant marcher! She is actually here, hey Madam Jola Mando rise up let everyone clap for you (young Nigerian lady stand in the 2nd row, Long applause and she waves frantically) Anyway enough about me our minister will take questions from you.

Gandozki Owolawawa: Hon minister sir! I am so happy to meet you in person, as a matter of fact I watch you on television especially on BEN TV. ( Cameraman from Ben TV claps forgetting he was holding a camera and camera drops, laughter and chuckle in the room) I am proud of you, the good job you are doing for our country, well my question is . How do you manage to do it?

Ojo. Thank you very much, it is people like you Nigeria needs, I must thank you. It is Gods doing. We try our best to show that Nigerians are lively sociable people who love life and live it to the fullest. Don’t mind those marching all over the place they are jobless, the presidents 7 point agenda is working. As a matter of fact we have solid relationship with Saudi Arabia that we don’t have to worry about a hospital for Mr President, anyway what is you question again?

Unachi Babbyala: Sir my own question is short. I did some printing job for the high commission last year and I have not been paid, what can you do to help.

Ojo. Take my card. I have signed it and it’s got a PDP to be paid mark. You must see, Lafida on Monday and your money will be paid pronto. (Connivingly in a loud whisper to Lafida Nigeria’s High commissioner top the United Kingdom) Just promise to see him and thank him immediately he delivers and he perform speedily

Act 2 Scene 1. United Nations Complex (A true Story)

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: I write for Sahara Reporters and my question is very direct, to you. You were on BBC yesterday and you said that you had not spoken to President Yar'Adua for the 60 days that he has been gone. And yet you are moving around the world claiming that you are representing the President and his own interest, whereas you haven't had any mandate from that President in [the] last 60 days. So how can we trust that you, being someone who has acted on behalf of every government, both legitimate and illegitimate -- I know that you supported Abacha, very strongly -- that you are not just going around doing your own wish, because Nigeria has no leadership at this point?

You know... And as you have done consistently, when you did, which you did under Abacha, that again you are doing this because this is what is convenient and the Nigerian people have been rendered powerless at this time, and you just have done what you wish to be done because again, Nigerian right now has no President that could have even given you the power that you claim you have been exercising.

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: Well your question is so insulting, and so abusive, and so disgraceful, [it] does not even convey an educated man...

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: That's not the question I'm asking...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: ...that it does not deserve a response. [Smiles.] And I will not answer your question.

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: You still don't get the question I'm asking; I'm asking you a question that I expect you to answer, not to insult me back.

MINISTER OJO MADUEKWE: You don't deserve an... you don't deserve an answer. [Sits back, smiles and looks around.]

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: You, you have to answer me because you are the one who has called us here to come and insult us with this whole rigamarole about how the Nigerian...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: [Gestures.] Is anybody in charge of this place?

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: What do you mean, everybody [sic] is in charge of this place?

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: [Points around.] Is anybody in charge of this...?

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: What are you trying -- this is not Nigeria. You answer the question and forget about harassing me.

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: All right, I guess I will intervene. [Laughs.] Yeah, OK.

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: [Smiles and nods, looking around the room with relief and satisfaction.]

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: I'll only intervene in this way. What I'll do is I'm gonna ask -- as I understand it -- ask you a question, you know?

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: Yes, yes, he should answer my question.

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: OK, all right, and then, then we'll move on from that. I guess the question, I guess, I'm just, it's not to rephrase it, and I understand, I understand that, that you were offended by how it was asked. And I guess, I mean, I asked at the stake-out how, when you had last spoken to the President...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: [Points finger.] I"ll answer your own question, don't ask his own. [Points at Sahara Reporters.]

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: No, you won't, you will not. I understand...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: Don't ask his own. [Points at Sahara Reporters.]

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: No, no, but I guess the, but I mean, to me there IS a question of...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: Is it your question?

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: It is my question.

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: If it is your question, go ahead and ask it and I will answer it...

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: OK, right...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EK(W)E: ...but I will not answer his... [Points again at Sahara Reporters.]

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: My question, my question would be if -- and I heard the same interview on BBC -- if for these reasons you haven't spoken with the President...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: He is a very miserable fellow. [Points again at Sahara Reporters.]

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: Don't insult me, Minister. Why would you say I'm miserable? Because I'm exercising my right as a Nigerian to ask you a question.

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: You are very miserable.

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: You have been doing this for too long. You can't be insulting me. What do you mean I'm miserable? I think it is you that is miserable.

MINISTER OJO MADU.EK(W)E: [Gestures to Sahara Reporters.] Come to Nigeria and help sort out the place. Why are you...?

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: Why what? Why what? And it is going to be a matter of time...

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: All right, I still, I'm gonna rephrase the question so he can answer it.

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: Thank you.

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: It may, sadly, I'm told by a colleague that it may be the last question because you have to go to the airport, but I will ask it, and hopefully we'll get an answer.

SAHARA REPORTERS [off camera]: Thank you.

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: I had some Darfur questions too, but we'll stick with this one. If, if both legally and just sort of in a common sense way, in the way that most ministers take their direction from, you know, from their president or prime minister, if you haven't spoken with the President since he's been in Saudi Arabia, do you -- what do you say to those that say that you're, that you don't have a mandate? You said that you're "on autopilot"...

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: [Minister looks at his handheld device.]

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: ...but you also say that you wish you'd received his guidance on some issues. There's been the issue of the, of the, you know, the single, the hijacker, and the U.S.'s response to it. Various things have come up.

MINISTER OJO MADU.EK(W)E: [Minister nods in acknowledgement.]

Matthew LEE (Sr. Reporter, Inner City Press) [off camera]: Do you feel that you have a mandate? Can you read the President's mind? Do acknowledge that there's some issues that, about whether, you know, whether you have the correct mandate at this time

MINISTER OJO MADU.EKWE: Well, let's put it this way. Under our constitution [PAUSE] ministers [PAUSE] do not sit in the National Assembly. So, even if you were sit[ting] in the National Assembly before, and you are made a minister, you resign. [PAUSE] We are appointed by the President, but we are described as, not "Ministers of the President", we are described as "Ministers of the Federal Republic" and "members of the Federal Executive Council". Now that appointment, again, is, the President has no choice, ah, on the issue of how many ministers he will appoint, because the constitution makes it mandatory that there must be at least one minister from a [sic] state. That the President may like you, and think you should be his foreign minister, but in appointing you he recognizes the fact that you are from a [particular] state. Like in my own case, I am from Abi.a State. So, I represent Abi.a State in the Federal Executive Council, I reflect the position of Abia State in the Federal Executive Council. So the mandate we have is provided for in the constitution because we are members of the Federal Executive Council from our various states. And, but it just happened that we are given portfolios... foreign affairs whether [mumbles] are different from other[s]. So, because our position is pro... prescribed for in the constitution, that defines our mandate, that we go there as the highest policy-making body representing the whole country to speak, this time not just for Abi.a, but to speak for the whole, whole country. That's why we are called "Ministers of the Federal Republic" and not "Ministers of the President".

Now, I have never, as I go round, suggested that, when I speak, I am speaking for President Yar'Adua. I am careful to say that I am speaking on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria. It doesn't mean that I'm not speaking for President Yar'Adua. But my emphases are been [sic] on the Federal Government of Nigeria EVEN WHEN THE PRESIDENT IS PHYSICALLY AROUND, and he's in Abu.ja, and he gives me directives, I still speak, as a matter of "style"[*FOOTNOTE], that I am speaking on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria. So I am the foreign minister of Nigeria, I am not just the minister of the President, I am not the foreign minister FOR President Yar'Adua, I am the foreign minister of Nigeria.

And, em, like I said earlier on, but maybe that was not understood, aha, this President does not believe in micro-managing, eh, foreign policy. I also mentioned that the Party, the ruling Party of which I was National Secretary, has a position on foreign policy, and I was the National Secretary for two years. So I bring to this job a considerable amount of experience. [PAUSE] That does not make me a robot. That makes me also understand what is [sic] the foreign policy expectations of the Federal Government and of Nigerians.

There is no substitute for the President being there. I have made that point clear. We are not enjoying his absence. And I wish that should be dealt with with the sensitivity it requires. I have... I was candid enough to say that. So, I am not committing any illegality by representing the Federal Government of Nigeria, because I was appointed by the President, who has not removed me from the cabinet. No illegality is being committed. No lack of legitimacy is in place. The constitution is clear as to how we got appointed, and that constitution protects me. And I think that that point is very, that, I mean, very well made. [Minister nods affirmatively] And I am competent to do that, and I am pushing [?] the nationality of Nigeria, which is beyond President Yar'Adua, beyond any 'dividual.

Thursday 21 January 2010


"We have been recolonised by a single tribe, not Hausa, Yoruba, or Igbo, but a
tribe of thieves" Chuma Nwokolo at the Save Nigeria Protest in London.


by Kayode Ogundamisi

What a year this is! In fact the exigencies of 2009 never gave Nigerians the time to shut down on the old year and prepare for the new one. From the punch of the economic crunch to the breakdown in service delivery, no fuel, no light, no food and then the dirt being kicked into our eyes by those brewing one controversy after another in a bid to profit from the circumstances created by the health status of our ailing president there was no room for a breather! Don’t even think about enjoying the little time tucked into the Christmas and the New Year holidays.
Too much for a people to grapple with; too much for no good course. What impunity on the part of those who dare to visit such torture on our psyche. What cruelty on from those we gave the opportunity to serve us in very high places. Never mind the fact that most of these people were either rigged into such opportunities or were appointed by those who rigged their way to power, we gave them the opportunity because we failed to resist them when they began their evil manifestations from the word go.

Today Nigerians at home and abroad are trooping out to protest the political impasse created by the sick president, I wish we could turn back the hands of the clock to 1993 when the fairest elections we ever had were annulled. Of course there were protests that yielded some great results but how I wish we had the show of agree and solidarity from the larger public that we have today! I also wish I could turn back the hands of the clock to 2006/2007 when Gen Olusegun Obasanjo started scripting this Yar’adua drama that we all have become willy-nilly actors; actors in a tragedy that’s set in our own lives! How in the world has this come to be?
Drama everywhere! Innocent people on a Christmas day flight have a technical fault to thank for the air they still breathe. I’m trying not to get personal on that issue because at that point I begin to wonder who should take the blame for the making of a stray terrorist! I’ll allow discipline schedule that for another day. I will also try not to join deal with the controversial claims to the presence of terrorists in our country. Semantics and sentiments complicate issues and slur judgments.
The big deal in all this is that there is a growing necessary consciousness that will overwhelm the evil that has tormented Nigerians for decades. It is great to see that on the World Wide Web, in the nooks and crannies of Nigeria, in lonely habitations in the Diasporas and everywhere else Nigerians congregate, the issues that challenge us dominate discuss. The hunger for change is growing. The thirst for true freedom is becoming unbearable and the determination to do well is taking over the hearts and minds of Nigerians.

Thus if I could step into the fold of the prophet or the babalawo I’d say that this is indeed our year of struggle. The fact that our oppressors are determined to asphyxiate us by ensuring that there is little or no room to breathe is yielding great results. The need for air will propel us to fight our oppressors. We will fight until freedom walks proudly in our streets, leaning happily on the arms of justice and peace. But must we make the mistake of yesteryears? Must we keep agonising, marching and write epistles on opinion page of newspapers, blogs and list serves without the goal of capturing power? We have over the years left power on the streets only for charlatans to pick it up on a platter of gold and then use the same power to perpetuate evil on us and the generality of our people. The time is ripe for everyone to be involved in the politics of our country. Join a political movement including civil society movements; we can only deliver justice to the people with the instrument of authority. If good people leave the political landscape for evil people then we may have lost our right to complain when they bestow on us torrents of wickedness. As we march from Abuja to London, London to Lagos, New York, New York to Kiev and push for a return to sanity, all of us together as a people must rise and not only insist “Enough is Enough” but also take on the responsibility on either putting our name on the ballot box or encourage good people to take up the mantle of leadership. After all those monsters in power are not from the planet “Averter” they are our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and above all they are Nigerians holding Nigeria to ransom. We only have our bondage to lose if we fight them to a standstill. Nigeria deserve better than wailing and gnashing of teeth. We can resist evil.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Nigeria's Sick President ignore his people break silence on BBC

Join the Yar'Adua must go ! London Protest! Friday 15th January 2010. 12 PM at Parliament Square Londonvisit for details

Now that YarAdua chose to address the British Broadcasting Cooperation for 51 seconds and then ignore Nigerians and now that from his voice we can deduce he is not comin...g back anytime soon. The new campaign is YARADUA MUST GO! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Let him treat himself and return to his family! Nigerias president disappeared from his country for almost 2 months and the first time he would speak for 51 second he chose to speak with the British Broadcasting Cooperation! In the 51 second audio recording the sickly Nigerian president . If the man with that voice was the one alleged to have signed a budget running into Trillions then Nigerians are indeed in a mass bondage!

Saturday 9 January 2010

The save Nigeria Protest in London now moved to 15 January 2010

The save Nigeria Protest in London now moved to 15 January 2010

You need to join the multitude to fight for your country. If you fail to join, the stigmatisation will continue to affect us and the future of our children. Farouk's incident could be a blessing in disguise to all Nigerians in addressing weaknesses in our democratic system and earning the respect we duly deserve at both national and international communities. Stand up and be counted!!!

• Where is President Musa Yar'Adua?•

Nigerian government should respect the constitution•

Sovereign National Conference now!•

Stop the criminalisation of Nigerians!•

Nigerians are no terrorists!•

Respect the Rights of Nigerians!

The Save Nigeria Working Group met with the London Metropolitan Police on Friday 8 January 2010 at the Charing Cross police station to review our application for a protest march that was initially scheduled for Tuesday 12th January 2010. Concerns were raised that more people than expected were indicating an interest to attend. In order for the police to adequately protect both participants and members of the public, it was agreed that the protest will be moved to Friday 15 January 2010.

The schedule is as follows:

Friday 15 January 2010 - London12 pm – 15:15 arrival and protest at Parliament Square SW1P315:15 – 17:30 protest moves to Nigerian High Commission (WC2N 5BX)

If possible bring your flags, placards and come dressed in the Nigerian colours of green and white. Organisers will also provide banners and placards on the day.

For further information please contact:Phone: 07984212553

